
A map of 34,850 memorial benches - added by people like you

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Benches near "Mayfield, Blenheim, Marlborough, Aotearoa, New Zealand"

  1. In Loving Memory Of Betty Bentley 13.7.1941 7.3.2010
    Riversdale, Marlborough District, Marlborough, New Zealand
  2. In memory of Loris and Merv Wisheart 1926-2008 Much loved by their daughters Penny, Prue, Pippa and Sally 1924-2003
    3/116 Alfred Street, Mayfield, Blenheim, New Zealand
  3. "This beach is dedicated to all who participated in and supported Relay For Life, March 2007"
    Taylor River Trail, Mayfield, Blenheim, New Zealand
  4. This seat and paving were supplied by Marlborough Mitre 10 and the Rotary Club of Blenheim in dedication of the life of Brian Bendall 1901 - 2002 A successful businessman and notable Rotarian, Brian's wish was for us to plant a native tree in his memory. "A QUIET PLACE TO REST"
    Taylor River Trail, Mayfield, Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand / Aotearoa
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