In loving memory of
Capt Nigel Duncan Ratcliffe Hunter M.C (and Bar)
Royal Engineers
Who was killed in action at Biefvillers
Near Bapaume on March 25th 1918 aged 23 years
He loved the moors of Devon and on his last visit to Lydford he wrote the following lines
"Are we not like this moorland stream
Springing none knows where from
Tinkling bubbling flashing agleam
Back at the sun; e'er long
Gloomy and dull, under a cloud
Then rushing onwards again
Dashing at rocks with anger loud
Roaring and foaming in vain?
Wandering thus for many a mile
Twisting and turning away for a while
Then of a sudden tis over the fall
And the dark still pool is the end of all
Is it? I thought as I turned away
And I turned again to the silent moor
Is it? I thought and my heart said Nay!
As I gazed at the cross on Widgery Tor
Lydford, United Kingdom