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Benches near "Hurst Green, Mawdesley, Chorley, Lancashire, North West England, England, United Kingdom"

  1. in loving memory of Richard Mashiter 1986-2020 a ray of sunshine and an inspiration to all who knew him
    The Willows, Mawdesley, Chorley, Lancashire, North West England, England, United Kingdom
  2. She flies like a bird in the sky In loving memory of Margaret Green Live opposite here at tree tops for 34 years Always loving, forever loved
    Smithy Lane, Mawdesley, United Kingdom
  3. In loving memory of two wonderful people Rev Norman Hayward 1919-1998 Marjorie Haywood 1918-2010 A special couple, remembered with much love and laughter by all their family.
    Hurst Green, Mawdesley, United Kingdom
  4. In memory of Beautiful Wife, Mother and Grandma Sheila Fazakerley 1949-2010 and Mark Peter Fazakerley 1967-1971
    Hurst Green, Mawdesley, Chorley, Lancashire, North West England, England, United Kingdom
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