
A map of 34,940 memorial benches - added by people like you

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Benches near "Kingsbury CP, North Warwickshire, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom"

  1. In Loving Memory of Dorothy & David Brown 1924 - 2007 1920 - 1993
  2. Ted & Joyce Hall 27th May 1933 - 31st March 2010 10th November 1936 - 5th July 2018
  3. David Alec Tayler 15th July 1944 - 27th Feb 2009 Valued Volunteer
  4. In Memory of My Parents Sid and Iris Lloyd 1931 - 2015 1931 - 2010
  5. In Loving Memory of Tony Wright 1943 - 2016 Husband, Dad & Grandad
  6. In Loving Memory of Stuart McLeod 1941 - 2016 From all his family in the USA
  7. In Loving Memory of Brian O'Donovan 1946 ~ 2018 Who loved cycling around the local countryside and enjoyed refreshment here
    Kingsbury CP, North Warwickshire, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
  8. In loving memory of KIM LORRAINE WOODCOCK 27th January 1957 - 14th February 2014 If tears could build a stairway And memories a lane We would walk up to heaven And bring you home again
  9. In Loving Memory Of Laurie Studd 08.01.1931 Dorothy Studd 21.01.1932
  10. In loving memory of Johnston & Maureen Forsythe 1923 - 2006 1923 - 2003
    Kingsbury CP, North Warwickshire, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
  11. With Thanks to Family, Friends & Colleagues John Edward Grunnill 14th Feb 1951 - 26th Sept 2006
  12. In Loving Memory Of REV'D MICHAEL W. JEFFERSON 1941-2018 "I Have a Song to Sing. O!"
  13. In Loving Memory Of Walter John Eley (Wally) 17.02.1938 - 21.01.2017
    Kingsbury CP, North Warwickshire, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
  14. In Loving Memory of Lesley Ann Edge The best Wife, Mother & Daughter 9th April 1983 - 9th August 2022
    Kingsbury CP, North Warwickshire, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
  15. My Wonderful Granny If my love could have saved you, you would have lived forever I will carry your smile, love, happiness. and all our amazing memories with me go wherever I go. You will always be the most special person in my heart I love you the moon and back. Your Bestie, Harriet xx Sheila You were the love of my life & I miss you more than I knew possible. I'm counting the days until we meet again. I love you always. Mick xx In loving memory of my beautful Mom You were a most increidble person Happy, smiling and always content, You touched everyone's heart whereever you went. I was truly blessed to have you as my mom. Life will never be the same without you. I love and miss you, every second of everyday. XX Sarah & Wayne XX In Loving Memory of Sheila O'Dell Loved, Cherished. Adored In hearts forever xx 07.01.1963 - 26.11.2021 🌹🌹 Mum There just aren't the words to explain how special you were. You were the shining light of our lives, the glue that held us all together. We miss you so very much, always. Trace & Mark xx Fanny There isn't a day that goes by where we don't think about you or talk about the wonderful memories we mdae. We would give you anything to just have another day to spend with you. We miss you more than you will ever know. Love you forever, Beej, Ashely & Arthur xxxx SHEILA A golden heart stopped beating the day you said goodby Sharing, caring, your love was untold Missing you now Loving you forever sister SUE and STEVE X X 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 Fanny 🤍🤍 We miss you so much more than wors can ever say. We cherish every MEMORY & think of you each and every day xx Lots of love Ben and Mike xx OUR BEAUTIFUL AUTNTY SHEILA WHO NEVER GREW OLD. HER LAUGHTER WAS OUR MEDICINE. HER HEART OF SOLID GOLD. SO SPECIAL AN AUNT WE WERE TRULY BLESSED. SLEEP WITH ANGELS, IT'S YOUR TIME TO REST X LOVE & MISS YOU X SHARON, DAVE, LEWIS & JAMIE Fly free with the butterflies Aunt She love always, Julie & Oli xx 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 Goodbye is not forever. Goodbye is not the end. It simply means I'll miss you Until we meet again. Love you always. Mia x
    Kingsbury CP, North Warwickshire, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
  16. Nan & Grandad, Miss and love you more than words can express! Look after one another! All our love always Nicola, Jimmy & Taylor xxx 🖤🤍
    Kingsbury CP, North Warwickshire, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
  17. In Loving Memory of Dion Walker-Smith, Maggie & Damian Stewart
    Kingsbury CP, North Warwickshire, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
  18. In Loving Memory Of GARY HERITAGE 🖤 1962-2017 🖤 Forever in our hearts
  19. In loving memory of Beryl who fell asleep on the 6th December 2006
    Kingsbury CP, North Warwickshire, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
    Kingsbury CP, North Warwickshire, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
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