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Benches near "Hertford, United Kingdom"

  1. STUART LEGGETT 2nd January 1964 22 June 2013 "A bit of grin and bear it, a bit of come and share it You're welcome we can spare it - yellow socks..."
    Foxholes, East Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom
  2. Donated By Family & Friends of Edith & Jim Sambrooks Who loved to spend time on the common
    River Lea, Hertford, United Kingdom
  3. Kevan Whiteland 11.11.66 - 26.08.95 Sadly missed, but forever remembered with much love and laughter by his family.
    Hartham Leisure Centre, 2 Hartham Lane, Hertford, United Kingdom
  4. Ian Spall 21.09.68 18.11.21 "Peace, love & equality to all" Loving Husband, Father and Friend
    Hartham Leisure Centre, 2 Hartham Lane, Hertford, United Kingdom
  5. In loving memory of Richard Davies (3.4.26 - 3.1.14) who found peace by the river
    Kingsmead Viaduct, Ware, United Kingdom
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