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Benches near "Eugene, OR, United States of America"

  1. In Loving Memory of Gary Johnson He loved and appreciated this park and river. "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever." Keats
    401 North Polk Street, Eugene, OR, United States of America
  2. In memory of Donna "GG" Logan Lover of nature, children, and play; thank you for your devotion to community.
    South Bank Path, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, United States
  3. In loving memory of our son RAHIM CHRISTOPHER SALAMI June 9, 1968 - July 21, 2015
    South Bank Path, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, United States
  4. In Loving Memory of Alexander Pike Strider Brown, 1974-2008 WE LOVE ALEX! In Our Hearts Forever
    401 North Polk Street, Eugene, OR, United States of America
  5. In Loving Memory of Felice Dunham (1948-1991) And Courtney Dunham-Rosmann (1985-2016) Dedicated to Global Peace & Food Security
    401 North Polk Street, Eugene, OR, United States of America
  6. In loving memory of Joan Bray 1920-2012 Naturalist, calligrapher, teacher, mother, and friend. Her Welsh spirit lives on!
    Delta Ponds, Sherwood Place, Eugene, OR, United States of America
  7. Sarah, Charles and Seamus Long Meet a stranger, make a friend Gordon Campbell May 2009
    Delta Ponds, Sherwood Place, Eugene, OR, United States of America
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