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6 Benches near "Newtown Township, PA, United States of America"

  1. In loving memory of our parents Moris Zhitomirsky (1924–1994) and Ida Zhitomirsky (1927–2013)
    Tyler Drive Trail, Newtown Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, United States
  2. In Memory of Anna Yakubovsky 1937–2012 We know that you are always somewhere very near.
    Fisherman Lot Trail, Northampton Township, PA, United States of America
  3. A QUIET PLACE IN NATURE From friends and family of Jack and Rose Marie Schieber 2015
    Fisherman Lot Trail, Northampton Township, PA, United States of America
  4. In Memory of Paul J. "Chags" Chagnon Friend and Outdoorsman
    Tyler Drive Trail, Newtown Township, PA, United States of America
  5. You were worth every single moment In Loving Memory Siarrah Islam
    Tyler Drive Trail, Newtown Township, PA, United States of America
  6. In loving memory of our dad Robert (Bob) L. Merchant May 28, 1958 – Feb. 8, 2008 We miss you. Love, Michael and Sarah
    Tyler Drive Trail, Newtown Township, PA, United States of America
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